The real question here is, if we know better, *do* we actually do better? When it comes to media literacy, nah, not really. In this episode, we answer questions like, when did we go from buying 13 different eyeshadow palettes to needing a 13-step skincare routine? Is reality well, reality, or is it just a ‘reality’ being sold to us by companies? (Spoiler alert: both. See: endless number of celeb skincare, makeup, and perfume lines.)
We deep dive on the Kardashians: Yay or nay? Do they – or any celebrities – have a responsibility to be role models? Do we even care anymore either way? Regardless, I think we can really all agree that season 1 of KUWTK (and all of its contrivances) reigns supreme. What are the implications of deep fakes and beauty filters? We explore the intersection of media literacy, social media marketing, influencer 1.0 culture, and big tech, so you’ll learn how to decipher online what’s real and what’s not.
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🛼 Haven’t You Heard?!
My fav things from the internet rn:
Krissing is the new Rick Rolling, and I’m here for it. This week on Nicstalgia, I mention my all-time favorite episode of the Kardashians, where Kris sends Rob to the hospital because she puts enhancement pills, accidentally, in his coffee. It’s on YouTube in telenovela style, because of course it is.
Mattel ‘turns its characters into playable avatars in Cryptoys’ NFT gaming world.’ I just love that this article features an image of 1995 Twirling Ballerina Barbie, whom I had as a kid and named Gina Lollobrigida. Tell me you’re Italian without telling me you’re Italian.
Don’t you worry, don’t you worry child; IKEA’s got a plan for you. Famous EDM trio Swedish House Mafia collabed with the Swedish House Furnishing Store on a new line of products and I’m obsessed. Also IKEA told me to enjoy my day. Wholesome!!
“Ask Me Later”. Later is now, as Kanye files trademarks to launch NFTs around his YEEZUS brand. Shirin and I talked in the Crypto Pop Culture Nicstalgia episode last week about why this is actually a great business move for his IP moving forward.
⏮ Let’s Go Back….Back to the Beginning
A time capsule of this week:
In 1998, teen coming-of-age classic Can’t Hardly Wait was released. While it has not aged particularly well, the soundtrack includes Third Eye Blind, (pre-Travis) Blink-182, AND Missy Elliott, so that’s something I’m on board with.
Stating on the record that Gen X Ensemble Cast™️ is my favorite genre of TV/film, because it is so comforting when you vaguely recognize give or take 17 of the actors from ~somewhere.~ (Anyone else have to pause a movie because they’re reading the Wikipedia about the movie?)
In 2007, Timbaland released The Way I Are. If you listen to the lyrics, this song is an anthem for scrubs. I’m personally team No Scrubs, but I have to admit, it’s still catchy.
In 2010, Drake released his debut album, Thank Me Later. I talk about the lasting impact being Myspace friends with Aubrey Graham had on my life in Why 2010s Nostalgia is Already Back. I know way too many people here right now that I didn’t know last year…
💿 Hey Mr. DJ, put a [playlist] on
Playlist of the week:
BTS said it’s not goodbye, it’s see ya later, as they announced a hiatus to pursue solo projects. The group also released their commemorative anthology album, Proof, to celebrate the 9th anniversary of their debut.
As we discussed in Super Fans, Selling Out, and Personal Growth with Barbara Barna Abel, BTS is one of the few, if only, groups whose fandom allows the group to evolve and grow on both a professional and professional level. (We stan!!!)
🏆 Nicstalgia Trivia
On Hey Arnold!, Phoebe’s hopes and dreams were shattered once she discovered her pop star idol was a lip-syncing fraud. What was his name?
Answer will be in next week’s edition.
🧨 Spice Up Your Life
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